Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My wedding day
I was seven years old standing in what my school called the nature garden a fenced off area that ringed the playground with trees and a pond and grassy areas and it was my wedding day. Peter was my best friend and he was also my fiance at the time. We were obsessed with having a fake marrige and i got busy organising. First the priest, my friend Anthony offered himself for the job before i even had to ask. I tried to decide how many bridesmaids and flowergirls to have. Every female in the class begged me for the honour as this was the only fake marrige to ever happen in my school. I finally settled on several girls I had Amy,Aisling and Rebecca as bridesmaids and Lillian, Emma and Stephanie as my flower girls. The location was obvious there was two lines of trees forming an arch over a mubby slope that was used as aslide by everyone I thought it would be the ideal place. Peter of course had nothing to do but show up which he assured me he would do. As I headed to the place i would me married i saw people clearing the way and spreading the news that Peter and I were getting married. As I made my way to the top of the slope a crowd consisting of most of the year twos had assembled to watch the marrige. I had no reservations about the marrige at all. I had planned in tyhe ten miutes of first break and now at lunch it was going to happen. When it came to the actual ceremony the group gathered around had stopped people sliding down the slope as Anthony made a good attempt at a wedding mass and had us saying very short vows i was pretty sure he made up. After he said you may now kiss the bride Peter kissed my cheek and everyone cheered I was now married to my best friend. Our honeymoon consisted of hanging out with our friends and talking about the wedding untill they bell rang. A year later we had another wedding for us almost an exact replica of the previous years one. Exept a couple of days later I found out he was moving to "somewhere near Manchester" and a couple of weeks later my pretend husband had gone never to be seen again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sinead. This really reminds me of what it was like to be that age. Pretend or not, it seems like this was very real to you. I like the bit about the muddy slope - these places that mean so much to kids but adults don't see at all.
