Monday, November 21, 2011

The 24hr Shop Attendant

Working this graveyard shift from midnight to 8am is the pits but the money is good and I need it to maintain the lifestyle of a poor college student. Tonight, my priority is the latest John Grisham book ‘The Litigators’ I brought with me. There wasn’t going to be too much done tonight, Wednesdays are mainly quiet just Taxi drivers gathering for the tea, chat and petrol. The odd punter on their way to somewhere looking for the 7up or coke to water down their Jack Daniels and then those who still feel awkward asking for the obvious to ensure the birth rate does not sore. Why is it that those who’s staple diet for breakfast includes milk bread and cereal have to leave it until after midnight to realise they are short of supplies. The thought forever boggles me.
Tonight the shelves got a quick re-stocking, the paper tops were whipped off, and whatever else would be fine. I was getting down to my book. At last, perched on my stool comfy against the back of the sweet stand, munching my malteesers balancing my lucozade both being complements of the shop. I thought, I hope it’ll be quite I must get this hardback back to Graham before he knows I’ve swiped it. At the end of the first chapter I see a small red car pulling up and out comes this one with a face like the mother of sorrows. She was going to get a quick shift, I approached the hatch she wanted 4 litres of milk and 40 cigarettes. Who in their sane mind would be having a milk and cigarette party with a face like hers. She paid and left strange person I thought she looked like she had the troubles of the world on her shoulders, didn’t say please or thank you but I left her under no illusion that she was disturbing my mission. Yes, it’s now chapter 5 and I’m getting places. The Gardai have had their coffee and sausage rolls, the taxi drivers are fed and watered. It's been a handy enough night everyone came in bunches so I wasn’t disturbed continually. 5.15am I have to wash the floor, put out today’s papers as they arrive. 5.55am, I’m back if I get a good run at this I’ll get it finished. It’s a shame to have to rush it as it is a damn good read, he never lets me down Grisham.
Back in my spot, this time I have coffee and the few sausage rolls that the cops didn’t have. Head back in book and I’m in business. You won’t believe it but what arrives into the forecourt the small red car again. Out she gets, I thought to myself she couldn’t have run out of milk already. Now she was going to get a quick move. I came to the hatch and for some reason her eyes pierced through me she didn’t say anything just stared at me for what seemed like forever but it was only a fleeting moment. She wanted two dozen eggs, as I headed for the fridge I was tickled to decide what kind of orgy was she at where they had smoked and drank milk the night through and were now crowning it off with eggs. I tried to keep my face straight as I gave her the cartons but I knew she was even sadder as she had been earlier. This time I thought she had tears in her eyes but I was in a hurry took her money and back to more important matters.
As she sped off in her car I thought, the first time you were here you looked like you had the troubles of the world on your shoulders but this time you look as if everybody belonging to you had just died.
7.40am, day staff are coming on duty and I have just finished Graham’s book.

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