Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Wicked Stepmother

The Wicked Stepmother

The invitation for the event of the year ‘The Princes Ball’ in the palace has arrived for I my husband and two guests so of course my boring very wealthy husband will have to come along with my two beautiful daughters. Surely, one of whom will end up with the Prince afterall why not they each have peaches and cream without a blemish complexion, soft blue eyes and hair as dark as coal. A little plump perhaps but their pleasant sweet manner makes up for it. The elder must do her best to charm the Prince at the ball and hopefully the nuptials will soon follow as time is not on her side. I summons the seamstress who arrived with lots of material to design our three gowns. I instructed her to make the finest that money can buy after all my husband was paying which made him useful for something.

My husband is 22 years senior to me so I expect him to pop off much earlier than I which will leave my two beautiful daughters and I with his wealth and this grand mansion. As for his own daughter Cinderella I’ll get rid of her some how. She is nothing, nothing good for but a slave. I keep her down in the kitchen cleaning, scrubbing and polishing the silver serving dishes. When either of my daughters orders her to do something she actually has the cheek to complain. At times I look at her and despite the rags she wears and the dirty skin I think if dressed up she could be quite pretty which means she will never be presentable and see the outdoors. She will never over shadow my two girls. Her father strongly objects at the way she is treated, how dare he. He married me after his first wife died and in doing so he fathers my daughters which are now his priority. I strongly point out that I am the Lady of the house and I have complete control over what happens within. I even overheard Cinders asking her father if she could go to the ball, imagine the cheek of her as if I would be seen with that small insignificant creature. Can you just see the Prince’s face when he would see this urchin in her rags, oh what a laugh.

Now back to more serious business, the gowns were exquisite mine was gold and turquoise and lavender for the girls. We were all going to be belles at the ball. On the night the Prince welcomed us and admired our appearance. He did promise to return to dance with my stunning daughters. Later into the evening a stunning young girl arrived dressed in pink, glass slippers and diamonds glittering from a far. The Prince immediately welcomed her and they danced. Though it killed me to say it they were a magical couple seeing eyes for no one but each other. I was fuming he was so ill mannered afterall he did say he would dance with my girls. At the dot of midnight the mysterious young girl just disappeared, now he would come over to us. Alas he did not he was too busy instructing his servants to follow her and bring her back. As the ball came to a close we went home and my daughters were distraught and very upset as was I. How could he have passed by two of the most stunning young ladies. I would find that young girl and banish her.

The following morning the servants were trying every house to see whose foot fitted the glass slipper that the much talked about girl had lost on her quick exit from the palace. I had warned my two darlings that they were to squeeze their foot into the shoe whatever pain it caused. Word was that the Prince wished to marry the owner of the slipper. The Servant arrived and my girls tried on the slipper but no matter how hard they tried there wasn’t a chance it would fit. The shock of my life was when it fitted that one Cinders down in the kitchen. How, sure she wasn’t even there but the Prince arrived to meet her and as soon as he saw her he knew those eyes and yes he asked her to marry him.

Despite my absolute shock, I feel it is important that my girls and I take a new look and devoted interest in my step daughter and her wonderful father. We’ll make it to the Palace yet.

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